XII 1995-1996
- “Interpreting Ambient Noise Field Reflections for Submarine Detection,” Kelly S. Cline, Noel F. Peden, and Mark Pomeroy, page 7.
- “Reaction of Cu+(1S) With O2,” Benjamin A. Walker, M.T. Rodgers, and P.B. Armentrout, page 11.
- “Capillary Isotachophoretic Determination of Dibutyl Phosphate and Monobutyl Phosphate in Organic Materials,” Catherine E. Petersen and Karen L. Wahl, page 15.
- “RAPD Analysis in Redband Trout: Possible use to Determine Gene Flow Between and Within Populations,” Matt Cooper, W. Brent Osborn, and John E. Rinehart, page 18.
- “Caustic Demand Determination of Hanford Tank Waste,” Kevin L. Marshall, Jon W. Ball, and Thomas H. Bushaw, page 21.
- “An Epidemiological Survey for Four Salmonid Fish Pathogenic Agents Among Trout Populations in Major Watershed of Baker County, Oregon,” Brian M. Rost, Bradford D. Stephens, Sam T. Onjukka, and Warren J. Groberg Jr., page 25.
- “Development of a Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) Protocol for detection of Renibacterium salmoninarum in Salmonid Renal Tissue,” Rebecca J. Hanson, W.J. Groberg Jr., and John E. Rinehart, page 31.
- “In Vitro Survival of the Bacterial Pathogen of Salmonid Fish, Renibacterium salmoninarum, in Water from Selected Aquatic Environments,” Lara. M Peacock, Sam T. Onjukka, Warren J. Groberg Jr., and Karen Waln, page 37.
- “HAML Method: Eight Easy Steps to Judge a Competition,” Heidi McMahan, Aaron Smith-Tsiatsos, and Mee-Ling Hovey, page 43.
« X 1993-1994 | XIV 1997-1998 »