XIV 1997-1998
- “The Effect of Temperature on the In vitro Replication of Selected Isolates of Infectious Hematropoietic Necrosis Virus,” Marie H. Banta, Tove K. Ryman, W.J. Groberg Jr., K. Waln, and S.T. Onjukka, page 3. Biology.
- “A Mechanism of Damage Sustained by Tissues during Methacrylate Embedding,” Damon T. Page and John E. Rinehart, page 6. Biology.
- “Fusion of Equine Myogenic Satellite Cell Strains In virtro,” Sheila Erickson, Carla Welter, Darci Calkins, Jan Vierck, Lyssa Krabbenholf, Katherine Byrne, Elizabeth Green, and Michael Dodson, page 10. Biology.
- “Pedigree of a Brachymesodactylous Family,” Jamie Brown and John E. Rinehart, page 14. Biology.
- “The Determination of Analgesics through Thin-Layer Chromatography,” Dawn Guentert and J. Douglas Compbell, page 18. Chemistry.
- “Pleistocene Alluvial Deposits of North Powder Valley and recent Stream deposits of Anthony Lakes, Antone Creek and the Powder River, Northeast Oregon,” Jamie Harmon, Mandi Johnson, Ellie Spring, and Maggie Swanger, page 21. Geology.
- “Quaternary Surficial Sediments of the Grande Ronde Basin, Northeast Oregon,” J. Compos, G. Fromwiller, R. Hubard, J. Johnson, D. Kalmbach, T. Phelps, and M. Smith, page 24. Geology.
- “Sedimentology of a Pleistocence Outcrop, Waite Bluff, Foothill Road, South of La Grande, Oregon,” Sandra Pilling, page 29. Geology.
- “Sediments of the Homer Alaska Area,” Jamie K. Harmon, page 34. Geology.
- “A Method for Taking Cross-Section of Three Dimensional Gridded Data,” Kelly Slater Cline, Kacee Jay Giger, Timothy O’Conner, page 40. Mathematics.
- “A Model for the Analysis of Inflated Grades,” Isaac Johnston, Swannee Herrmann, Jennifer Conklin, page 46. Mathematics.
- “Analyzing the Oblique Plane,” Jeff Downer, James Fitzgerald, Roland Hildebrant, page 52. Mathematics.
- “A Statistical Solution to Grade Inflation at a Better Class College,” Frisco Rose, Sarah Triplett, Heather Van Dyke, page 56. Mathematics.
- “Effects of Training at Anaerobic Threshold,” Mike Fischer, page 60. Physical Education and Health.
- “Fermi Molecular Dynamics in Artificial Fission of Light Nuclei,” Savas Michael Koushiappas, page 62. Physics.
- “Population Trapping in V-shaped Three-State Systems with Application to construction of Quantum Bits,” Tanya Zelevinsky, page 68. Physics.
- “Characterization of Terahertz Emission from YBa2Cu3O7-s Thin Films,” Beckisue Roybal, page 73. Physics.
- “Geometry Optimization of Electronic States of Biphenyl,” Dylan Shepardson, page 78. Physics.
- “Numerical Solution to the One Dimensional Time Dependent Schrödinger Equation,” Dana Mastrovito, page 81. Physics.
- “Modeling Post-Supernova Neutron Star Interactions as a Mechanism in the Formation of a Soft Gama-Ray Repeater,” Kelly Slater Cline, page 87. Physics.
« XII 1995-1996 | XV 1998-1999 »