XVI 2000-2001
Volume XVI 2000-2001
- “The Greatest Frontiers of Science for the new Millennium,” John Triplett and Sarah Triplett, page 5.
- “Penetration Depth of Short-Wavelength near Infrared Light in Fish Tissue,” Carl A. Fahlstrom, Anna G. Cavinato, and David M. Mayes, page 9. Chemistry.
- “Spectral Elucidation of Inorganic Species Commonly Found in Hanford Radioactive Waste,” Nichole Flintof, Anna G. Cavinato, and Christopher M. King, page 13. Chemistry.
- “Near-IR Spectroscopy Used as a Tool to Monitor the Reaction of Zinc Dithionite with Ammonia,” Erica D. Gillies and Richard A. Hermens, page 17. Chemistry.
- “Synthesis of a Copolymer Containing 4,13-diaza-18-crown-6,” Joel R. Morgan and J. Douglas Campbell, page 20. Chemistry.
- “Determination of the Solubility Product Constants of Some MxUy(IV)Fz,” Mari Nishina and Richard A. Hermens, page 22. Chemistry.
- “Chemical Analysis of Pyrrolizidine Alkaloids Isolated from Caccinia strigosa,” Anthony J. Scott, Steven P. Nord, Jesse S. Shirley, and Ron B. Kelley, page 25. Chemistry.
- “Near Infrared Spectrophotometric Determination of Maturity Status in Salmonids,” Melissa A. Wenz, Anna g. Cavinato, David M. Mayes, Peter T. Lofy, and Seve J. Boe, pae 28. Chemistry.
- “Avoid the Aluminum Shower,” Frisco rose, Carrie Vance, and Archie Crozier, page 32. Mathematics.
- “Sedimentology and Age of the Pleistocene La Grande Terraces, La Grande, Oregon,” Robert Brown, Jay Van Tassell, et al., page 37. Geology.
- “Geomorphic Evolution of the Main Fork of the John Day River, Oregon,” Matthew P. Clausen and Robert J. Carson, page 41. Geology.
- “Graben vs. Strike-Slip Basin Models for the Origin of the La Grande Basin, Northeast Oregon: Analogue Models,” Tammy Dunlavey and Jay Van Tassell, page 47. Geology.
- “Geomorphic Evolution of the Grande Ronde River, Northeastern Oregon, and Southeastern Washington,” Molly Gerber and Robert J. Carson, page 56. Geology.
- “Diagnosing Diabetes: A Model Analyzing the Use of the Glucose Tolerance Test,” Rebecca Nord, 63. Mathematics.
- “Measuring the Deuterium to Hydrogen Abundance Ratio in QSO Spectra,” Sarah triplett and David Tytler, page 66. Physics.
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