XVII 2001-2002
- “Formation of a National Research Effort in Muscle Growth and Development in Animal Sciences: Project NC-131,” Brad Creamer, J.L. Vierck, L. Miller, and M.V. Dodson, page 8. Animal Science.
- “The Effect of Food Type on Social Interactions among Female Mantled Howling Monkeys in a Fragmented Forest Habitat on Isla de Omtepe, Nicaragua,” Jennifer Campbell and Kathleen Dahl, page 18. Anthropology.
- “Water Quality of Sheep Creek,” Colby Wolfer and Karen Antell, page 23. Biology.
- “Prototype Performance Evaluation of a Portable Supercritical Fluid Extractor,” Anthony J. Scott, Thomas S. Zemanian, and Bob W. Wright, page 28. Chemical Engineering.
- “Near Infrared Spectroscopic Classification of Gender and Maturity in Chinook Salmon,” Krischele A. Hampton, Anna G. Cavinato, David M. Mayes, Steve J. Boe, and Timothy L. Hoffnagle, page 31. Chemistry.
- “Penetration depth Studies in Cod Tissue Using Short-wave Near Infrared Spectroscopy,” Steven P. Nord, Rebecca DuBreuil, Anna G. Cavinato, David M. Mayes, Mengshi Lin, and Barbara Rasco, page 37. Chemistry.
- “Quinolizidine Alkaloids in Lupus kingii,” Jesse S. Shirley, Todd Kaneshiro, and Ron B. Kelley, page 42. Chemistry.
- “Determination and Comparison of Pyrrolizidine Alkaloids from the Genus Omphalodes,” Torrissa J. Wood, Scott L. Allen, and Ron B. Kelley, page 46. Chemistry.
- “Proposed Methods for Modeling Fluid Dynamic Interactions of Wind Force on Water Spray,” Garhan Attebury, Dwayne Henderson, and Steven P. Nord, page 54. Mathematics.
- “Columns, Disks and Droplets: How Many Ways Can You Divide up a Fountain?” Carl A. Fahlstrom, Adil Aboudani, and John Mendebury, page 62. Mathematics.
- “Power Input Algorithm for a Time-trial Cyclist,” Misato Hayashida, Jennifer Cuthbert, and Justin Rowell, page 67. Mathematics.
- “Methods, Models and Relationships for Sceloporus woodi Habitat Preservation,” Todd Kaneshiro, Audrey Oldham, and William Peale, page 75. Mathematics.
- “Which Wheel Will We Want?” Frisco Rose and Carl A. Fahlstrom, page 80. Mathematics.
« XVI 2000-2001 | XVIII 2002-2003 »