XIX 2004-2006
- “Theoretical Study of the binding of Nitric Oxide to a Heme Model System,” Alicia McRoberts, Jeffery N. Woodford, and Colin R. Andrew, page 8. Biochemistry.
- “Spectroscopic Characterization of the Ferric Heme Center in Rhodobacter capsulatus Cytochrome c’ and its Reactivity with Nitric Oxide,” Amy E. Servid, Arianne M. Tiwari, Colin R. Andrew, Willa Huston, and James W.B. Moir, page 12. Biochemistry.
- “The Reaction of Nitric Oxide with the Ferric Heme Center of Alcaligenes xylosoxidans Cytochrome c’: A UV-Visible Absorption Study,” Michael C. Kecskes, James M. Stafford, Colin R. Andrew, and Robert R. Eady, page 17. Biochemistry.
- “Reactivity of cytochrome c’ with Oxygen,” Julia c. Deutsch, Matthew J. Bechaver, Alison L. McKay, Amy E. Servid, Arianne M. Tiwari, James M. Stafford, Michael C. Kecskes, Yukiko Cho, Colin R. Andrew, and Robert R. Eady, page 24. Biochemistry.
- “The Mushrooms of GROWISER: An Investigation of Fruiting Body Mushrooms,” Kevin Lair and Karen Antell, page 27. Biology.
- “Non-invasive Determination of Gender and Maturity Status in Chinook Salmon by Short Wavelength Near Infrared Spectroscopy,” Calvin A. Davis, Anna G. Cavinato, and Timothy L. Hoffnagle, page 30. Chemistry.
- “Structural Elucidation of Pyrrodlizidine Alkaloids in Heliotropium greggii,” Melanie R. Bruck, Kristy A. headings, Caleb M. Jones, and Ronald B. Kelley, page 34. Chemistry.
- “Acute Effects of Plantar Flexor Muscle Fatigue on Running Economy and Mechanics,” Jonathan M. Cosgrove and Darren J. Dutto, page 38. Exercise Physiology.
- “Holocene Forest Fire History of the Blue Mountains, Oregon,” Donnel A. Malkemus and Robert J. Carson, page 44. Geology.
- “The Big Sink: A Large Landslide in Oregon’s Blue Mountains,” Jamie M. Hinderliter, Robert J. Carson, and Brennan T. Jordan, page 53. Geology.
- “The Mathematical Contest in Modeling 2006 (MCM): Problem B, Wheel Chair Access at Airports,” Ihsane Bikri, Christopher Cox, Ivan Simonov, and David Allen, page 62.
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