XX 2006-2007
- “Spectroscopic Studies of Ferric cytochrome c’ from Alcaligenes xylosoxidans and its Reactivity with Nitric Oxide,” Amy E. Servid, Alison L. McKay, Arianne M. Tiwari, Michael C. Kecskes, James M. Stafford, Lenord J. Kemper, and Colin R. Andrew, page 9. Biochemistry.
- “Characterization of modern Turtle Deathsite and Comparison with a Paleo-Deathsite,” Heidi Chamberlain and Joe Corsini, page 14. Biology.
- “Macroinvertebrates in Bear Creek, Longley Meadows,” David Benavente, Marika Dobos, Caleb Jones, Haruyo Matsuyama, Ryan Pangelinan, Sheldeen Pua, and Karen Antell, page 20. Biology.
- “Non-destructive Detection of Deep Muscle Bruising in Salmon by Near Infrared Spectroscopy,” Meaghan M. Hammers, Anna G. Cavinato, David Mayes, Mengshi Lin, Barbara A. Rasco, and Scott Smiley, page 25. Chemistry.
- “Non-lethal Detection of Bacterial Kidney Disease in Pacific Salmon by Near Infrared Spectroscopy,” Tara L. Boethin, Meaghan M. Hammes, Kyle Troutman, Wade Wright, Timothy Hoffnagle, Anne Greenlee, and Anna G. Cavinato, page 30. Chemistry.
- “Multimedia Application as an Aide to Teaching Mathematical Procedures,” Joshua Gray, Diane Lunsford, and Dr. Jane Whitmire, page 39. Mathematics.
- “Optimizing Interstate Toll Plaza Flow,” Jason Vielma, Vojislav Petrovic, and Zach Goude, page 44. Physics.
- “Analytical and Computational Approach to Airline Boarding,” Parker Jones, Phillip Lusted, and Doug Brown, page 53. Physics.
- “The Influences of a Novel Context on Tolerance to Cocaine,” Emily C. Booth, Kristy A. Headings, and R.H. Ettinger, page 63. Psychology.
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