XXII 2011-2013
- “Penetration Depth Study of Short Wavelength Near Infrared Light in Tissues of Post-Vitellogenic cultured White Sturgeon, Acipenser transmontanus,” Sarah A. Servid, Andrea Brigantic, Jayna Witty, Joel P. Ban Enennaam, Peter Struffenegger, and Anna G. Cavinato, page 9. Chemistry.
- “Soil Study in Support of Native American Plant Growth,” Shanna Riomondo, Andrea Brigantic, Irene Walters, Ronald Byrum, James Dyke, Barbara Harped, Steven Link, Stuart Harris and Anna G. Cavinato, page 13. Chemistry.
- “Designing a Half-Pipe for Advanced Snurfers,” Rachel Burton, Jadon Herron, Alexander Macavoy and Anthony Tovar, page 20. COMAP.
- “Interference Considerationsw in Repeater Allocation,” Andrew Flynn, Rachelle Flynn, Vaughn Skinner and Anthony Tovar, page 33. COMAP.
- “Inertia Sets for Families of Graphs,” Eli Cohen, Nam Nguyen, Jonathon Winde and Amy Yielding, page 53. Mathematics.
- “Zero Forcing Number for Special Graphs,” Scott Kausler and Amy Yielding, page 61. Mathematics.
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