Campus Support Services

Support and Resources

There are a number of places, both on campus and in the community, where you can find help and support if you or someone you know has been sexually assaulted. Wanting help and assistance is normal. And sometimes not wanting to talk about what happened is normal as well. We encourage you to assess your own needs to do what is right for you.

Campus Services

Counseling Center

Dr. Marianne Weaver and Simeon Kulp, 541-962-3524

The Counseling Center is located at the northwest corner of campus at 6th Street & “L” Ave (shares building with Student Health Center). The counseling center is available for confidential support. Reporting a sexual assault to either therapist in the counseling center does not require you to report the assault to anyone else on campus or to law enforcement. However, if you choose to pursue action, the counselors can guide you through this process. The therapists are trained in trauma response and provide individual counseling for victims to heal. Additionally, the counseling center offers consultation with friends, family and staff about how to help a victim.

Student Health Center

6th and L Ave, 541-962-3524

The Student Health Center is available for confidential support. Sexual assault related services include a physical exams, STI testing, prophylactics (antibiotics to counteract certain STIs), and emergency contraception. Nurse practitioners are available by appointment to discuss any concerns you have about what happened to your body and to treat minor injuries. Major or immediate injuries need to be treated at Grande Ronde Hospital Emergency Room. If you would like a forensic exam, where evidence collection can be used for prosecuting purposes, then call 911 to access the Sexual Assault Response Team.

Privileged Campus Advocate 

Tyana Musrasrik, Zabel Hall 113, 541-962-3381

Oregon’s Advocate Privilege law (ORS 40.264) allows advocates that meet statute guidelines to have legal privilege, similar to that of a doctor, lawyer or mental health professional. They cannot share a survivor’s information without a written release. Campus-based advocates are professional staff trained to support victims of sexual violence in the college and university setting. Advocates receive specialty training and offer survivors information, emotional support and assistance finding resources that work best for the survivor’s needs and situation.

Title IX Program

  • Title IX Coordinator & Director of Student Relations, Colleen Dunne-Cascio, Inlow Hall 113, 541-962-3476
  • Deputy Title IX Coordinator & Director of Human Resources, Chris McLaughlin, Inlow Hall 209, 541-962-3516
  • Deputy Title IX Coordinator & Head Volleyball Coach, Kaki Morehead, Quinn 113D, 541-962-3687

Sexual Assault Response Campus Advocates

Staff who are trained to help you access campus and community resources. You can use this LINK to also find a list of currently trained advocates on campus.

Resident Assistant (RA)/Area Coordinator (AC)

If you live in the residence halls, your RA and AC is available for you to talk to 24/7. They are trained to help you access campus and community resources.

Community Services

Shelter From the Storm

10901 Island Avenue, Island City

Office Phone: 541-963-7226

24-hr. Hotline: 541-963-9261

Shelter From the Storm provides free, confidential services for victims of sexual assault and domestic violence. You can call the hotline at anytime to speak to a trained individual about what you are experiencing. There are also professional sexual assault advocates available to help you explore your medical and legal options, and support you through your process. Free counseling is also available through the Shelter.

Sexual Assault Response Team (SART)

Call 911 or Shelter’s Hotline at 541-963-9261

Provides immediate help (24/7) for sexual assault victims

If you access SART, you will be connected to a trained sexual assault advocate from Shelter From the Storm who will assess your immediate safety and types of support resources you are wanting to access. Your advocate will provide the following support and options (all of which are free and confidential):

  • Assistance with reporting to a law enforcement SART detective
  • Medical assessment and collection of evidence by a Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE)
  • STI counseling, testing, and treatment
  • Information and referrals
  • Follow-up services, support, counseling, and referrals

Union County Victims Assistance (Office of the District Attorney)

1007 4th St. La Grande

Office Phone: 541-963-1007

Victim advocates are available to consult with regarding the legal process if you decide to report your assault to law enforcement. Advocates are also available to keep you abreast of the status of your case if it is prosecuted.