Reporting Forms

The forms below exist to support the EOU campus community in a variety of capacities. You are welcome to complete these forms at your discretion. All forms will be received by the Office of Student Affairs, Director of Student Relations, and/or the Title IX Coordinator. Information shared within the forms are shared on a need-to-know basis to ensure the reported matters are addressed as appropriately as possible.

Please do not use these forms to report an emergency or time-sensitive matter involving safety. Please contact Campus Security at 541-962-3911, the Director of Student Relations at 541-962-3635, and/or the Title IX Coordinator at 541-962-3476.

Community Reporting Forms

Concern Reporting Form

The concern reporting form is the general form to use if you have any concerns or need assistance. Please complete this form in detail, including contact information and requested resolution, so we may assist as best as possible.

Title IX Report Form

This form is also used to gather information and statistics regarding incidences, and provide resources, to victims of harassment, hate crime, bias, stalking, sexual violence, dating violence, domestic violence or interpersonal violence. NOTE: It is not necessary for you to be a victim to complete this form. Victims can also use this form to request support.

We encourage you to access a list of resources mentioned within this form on the Title IX website at . You may also report bias directly to the Title IX Coordinator (541-962-3476 or

Military Call Up Form

This form may be used by students, enrolled in courses, who are enlisted in a branch of the military, and have received documented orders to report during a term they are enrolled. We encourage you to review the Military Call Up Policy ( prior to completing this form.

Faculty Reporting Forms

The forms in this section are resources designated for faculty. Please do not complete these forms unless you are a teaching professional associated with Eastern Oregon University.

NOTE: The submitted forms will be reviewed by the Office of Student Affairs/Director of Student Relations with the scope of “preponderance of the evidence”, meaning the submitted materials demonstrate that “more likely than not” the incident took place. If the submitted materials do not support this evaluation criteria, please note that there may be a delay in processing the report as additional information is required OR the case may be dismissed due to lacking appropriate evidence.

Report of Suspected Academic Dishonesty Form

Please use this form to report academic dishonesty that includes, but not limited to: plagiarism, cheating, facilitation, tampering, fabrication, unauthorized collaboration, or another deviation from the standards of academic integrity as defined by EOU’s Academic Honesty Code (

Classroom Conduct Referral Form

Please use this form to report incidents that take place within academic settings that are a disruption to instruction and/or the academic environment that EOU seeks to foster. Though the form is listed as classroom conduct, this extends to other settings (i.e. faculty offices). The policy may be reviewed on the University’s policy website (