How to Pay a Housing Deposit 

Transact Payments Login Instructions for Students to pay a Housing Deposit 

  1. Students log in to my.EOU Portal at using your username and password.
  2. Locate the Payment Portal card (you may have to use the “discover” function located in the upper-left corner menu to search for the card) and click the button. You will be connected to the Transact Payments Main Menu Screen. 
  3. Click on the Housing Deposit Button under Available Items
  4. Click Add to Payment 
  5. Scroll down and click Checkout 
  6. Enter Payment Information and choose Continue
  7. Complete the checkout process. 

If someone other than the student needs to pay the Housing Deposit, the student will need to create an authorized user in order for that person to make the payment. 

Create an Authorized Payer Account 

  1. Students log in to my.EOU Portal using your username and password. 
  2. Locate the “Payment Portal” card and click the button. This will take you to the Transact Payment Portal. 
  3. Click on “My Account
  4. Click on the “Send a payer invitation” link in the “Payers” section 
  5. Fill out the Payer information and select the access permissions for this payer. 
  6. Click “Send Invitation” to create the account. A temporary password will be system generated and emailed directly to the authorized payer along with a link to their login site: Authorized User Payment
  7. When the authorized payer logs into their account with the temporary password, they must create a new secure password to view bills and make payments.  

Transact Payments Login Instructions for Authorized Users to pay a Housing Deposit 

  1. Once set up, login here: Authorized User Payment
  2. Click on the Housing Deposit Button under Available Items
  3. Click Add to Payment 
  4. Scroll down and click Checkout 
  5. Enter Payment Information and choose Continue
  6. Complete the checkout process