Textbook Funding

Bookstore Line of Credit

The bookstore line of credit allows a student to purchase textbooks by charging up to $300.00 to the student’s account for Fall 2024. The line of credit can be used at EOU Bookstore in Hoke and online at EOU Bookstore Online. To be eligible for the $300.00 line of credit a student must be registered for the term and their account must be in good financial standing. This means no prior balance and no financial holds. This line of credit has no financial aid requirement. Any book purchases made using the line of credit account will be charged to your student account for payment*.

*If you have financial aid the charges will be deducted from any financial aid refund. Any charges not fully covered by financial aid are the responsibility of the student.

*If you are a student with no financial aid using the line of credit, the charges will be posted to your account for payment and will be included in your term balance. 

Bookstore Line of Credit Availability

Fall 2024 Term: August 23rd – October 2nd for both in store and online purchases.  When checking out online to use the line of credit choose the “Charge to Student Account” option.

Book Voucher

Students that are expecting a financial refund and need more than the $300.00 line of credit and meet the requirements, you may be eligible for an additional book voucher. All items purchased with the book voucher will be charged directly to the student’s account and will be deducted from any financial aid refund. Any charges not fully covered by financial aid are the responsibility of the student.

To see when book vouchers are available each term, please visit the Academic Calendar

Per the Financial Responsibility Agreement, the student is responsible to pay EOU any deficiency in tuition, fees or other EOU charges that results from non-payment or reversals of payment of loans and advances from federal, state, institutional providers, or other third-party providers, and the amount of any funds erroneously disbursed to the Student.  Interest will be charged each month on any unpaid balance at the rate of one percent per month, or fraction thereof (12% APR). This is subject to change as mandated by the Oregon Administrative Rules.