Third Party Billing
Third Party Billing requires a tuition/books authorization in writing from the third party. If information such as grades is needed, an authorization to release information from the student is required to be on file with EOU before this information can be released to the third party. The only exception is if the third party is US military or VA (the US military and VA require the soldiers/veterans to sign a release before they can receive tuition assistance).
The written tuition/books authorization can be mailed, dropped off to Student Financial Services as a hard copy, e-mailed to , or faxed to 541-962-3872. The authorization needs to include the following:
- Third party name and billing address
- Contact name for third party and contact information
- Name(s) of the students(s)
- The term(s) the third party is paying towards
- What the third party is promising to pay, i.e. a specific dollar amount for tuition and/or books. Some third parties promise to pay all tuition and fees and/or required books and do not include an actual dollar amount.
Military Chapters 31 & 33 (VA – Public Law 115-407, Section 103 & 104): EOU will allow any covered individual to attend or participate in courses of education during the period beginning on the date on which the individual provides to EOU a certificate of eligibility for entitlement to educational assistance under chapter 31 or 33. EOU ensures all covered individuals will not accrue any penalty, including the assessment of late fees, the denial of access to classes, libraries, or other institutional facilities, or the requirement that a covered individual borrow additional funds, on any covered individual because of the individual’s inability to meet his or her financial obligations to EOU due to the delayed disbursement of a payment to be provided by the Secretary under chapter 31 or 33.
Early College Initiatives
High School Administrators – paying for their students, please complete the form linked below ” Eastern Promise – Third Party Billing Authorization” and submit payment authorization using the submit button included in the form for direct billing. This third party billing authorization submission, provides EOU the necessary information to bill the necessary high school or school district paying for Eastern Promise student coursework.
Early College Initiatives – Third Party Billing Authorization
If you have any questions regarding any third party billing, please contact the third party billing desk at or by calling 541-962-3306