The Nightingale Gallery presents the second senior capstone exhibition, “Gradience”
April 21, 2023 The Nightingale Gallery presents the second senior capstone exhibition, “Gradience” LA GRANDE, Ore. – The Nightingale Gallery presents “Gradience”, the senior capstone exhibition of Gretchen Litzlbeck, Alexis Lowe, and Erin Monagle. “Gradience” is an exploration of the artists’ practices concerning change and how it shapes perception. The exhibit opens on Friday, April […]

“Bewildered” exhibition coming to Nightingale Gallery
Dec. 8, 2022 “Bewildered” exhibition coming to Nightingale Gallery LA GRANDE, Ore. – Eastern Oregon University’s Nightingale Gallery presents “Bewildered” a group exhibit featuring the work of northwest artists M. Acuff, Renee Couture and Carolyn Hopkins. The three artists explore issues associated with their deep relationship with the land and their bewilderment at being enmeshed […]

Oregon artist shares her creative story at EOU
Bean Gilsdorf visits campus May 5 to speak with students.

Nightingale Gallery finishes the year with student art awards
The All-Campus Juried Student Exhibition opens May 13, with a number of awards up for grabs.

Student artists create capstone exhibition
Three seniors in EOU’s art program will show their capstone work April 1-29 in the Nightingale Gallery.

High school exhibition awards young artists
Student artists from Eastern Oregon high schools will show their artwork on campus through March 15.

Whitman artists explore the meanings and traditions of painting
The Nightingale Gallery hosts “Vis-à-vis” Jan. 14 to Feb. 9 on campus.

Naturalist exhibition arrives at Nightingale Gallery
The artist team responsible for the new sculpture outside Loso Hall will visit campus Nov. 12.

‘Homecoming’ exhibition opens Nightingale Gallery season
17 alumni of EOU’s art program will exhibit work in the Nightingale Gallery during October.

Nightingale Gallery wraps up season with award-winners
Faculty recognized outstanding student artists with annual awards and scholarships.

Student artists lean into digital creations
The Nightingale Gallery hosts the senior capstone show, opening April 21.

Nightingale Gallery showcases permanent collection
The exhibition is open through April 7 to students, faculty and staff.

Nightingale Gallery hosts faculty artwork
Members of the art faculty at EOU display their recent work in the on-campus gallery.