Core Content and Concentration Areas
Concentration Areas and Core Content
Core Content
THEA111 Script Analysis (3)
THEA150 Acting I: Intro to Performance (APC)(4)
THEA260 Theatre History (AEH/UWR/DPD)(5)
THEA264 Stagecraft (APC)(4)
THEA266 Fundamentals of Costuming (APC)(3)
THEA267 Fundamentals of Stage Makeup (APC)(3)
THEA274 Set and Lighting Design (APC)(4) or
THEA344 Costume Design (APC)(4)
THEA353 Fundamentals of Directing (UWR)(3)
THEA255 Production and Performance (APC)(2)
THEA406 Senior Project (UWR)(3)
THEA407 Seminar (1)
Total Required Core Credits: 35
Concentration Areas
In addition to completing the Theatre Major Core requirements, a student may choose from a list of electives. Those courses that create an area of “special focus”. The following are suggested “special focus” areas and courses.

Design and Production
A minimum of 34 credits is required from the following lists
Required Concentration Core Courses:
THEA274 Set and Lighting Design (APC)(4) or
THEA344 Costume Design (APC)(4)
THEA330 Stage Management (3)
THEA355 Production and Performance (APC)(4)
Select three of the Following Courses:
THEA256 Stage Combat (APC)(3)
THEA345 Advanced Costume Design (4)
THEA346 Fashion as Costume (APC)(3)
THEA347 History of Fashion and Dress (AEH)(3)
THEA364 Advance Stagecraft and Design (4)
Select Three of the Following Courses:
ART120 Design I (APC)(4)
ART121 Design II (APC)(4)
ART130 Drawing I (APC)(4)
ART205 Art History II (AEH)(3)
ART206 Art History III (AEH)(3)
ART230 Drawing II (APC)(4)
ART260 Beginning Photography (APC)(4)
ART261 Beginning Digital Photography (APC)(4)
ART330 Life Drawing (4)
ART360 Intermediate Photography (4)
ART364 Advanced Digital Photography (4)
ART369 Photography: Documentary and Studio Tech (4)
Students are recommended to declare a minor. Recommended minors are Art, History or Business.

Musical Theatre
A minimum of 39 credits is required from the following lists
MUS 192, 193, 194V Class Lesson: Voice (APC)(6)
THEA218 Movement I (APC)(3)
THEA221 Topics in Dance (APC)(3)
THEA249 Musical Theatre Performance (APC)(3)
THEA250 Acting II (APC)(4)
THEA318 Movement II (3)
THEA321 Advanced Topics in Dance (3)
THEA349 Advance Musical Theatre Performance (3)
THEA350 Acting III (4)
THEA355 Production and Performance (APC)(4)
THEA369 History of Musical Theatre (3)
Students are recommended to declare a minor in Music.

Performance and Directing
A minimum of 34 credits is required from the following lists
MUS 192, 193, 194V Class Lesson: Voice (APC)(4)
THEA208 Audition Performance (2)
THEA218 Movement I (APC)(3)
THEA250 Acting II (APC)(4)
THEA256 Stage Combat (APC)(3)
THEA274 Set and Lighting Design (APC)(4) or
THEA344 Costume Design (APC)(4)
THEA350 Acting III (4)
THEA351 Acting IV (APC)(4)
THEA354 Advanced Directing (3) or
THEA425 The Theatre (3)
THEA355 Production and Performance (APC)(4)
Students are recommended to declare a minor. Recommended minors are are History, Business, Psychology, Anthropology/Sociology, Communication or English/Writing

Playwriting and Dramaturgy
Take the following 30 credits
WR131 Exploring Prose (APC)(4)
ENGL201 Shakespeare (AEH/UWR)(4)
WR241 Intro to Fiction Writing (APC)(3)
THEA355 Production and Performance (APC)(4)
THEA360 Playwriting (APC)(3)
THEA362 Irish Drama (UWR/DPD)(3)
THEA363 Banned Plays (UWR/DPD)(3)
THEA369 History of Musical Theatre (3)
THEA425 The Theatre (3)
Students are recommended to declare a minor. Recommended minors are are History, Psychology, Anthropology/Sociology, Communication, English/Writing or Music