Faculty Resources

Faculty Writing Group

Syllabus Statements

Teaching Portfolio Resources

Pronounce Names

Resources on Teaching Writing

MLA-CCCC Joint Task Force on Writing and AI Working Paper

Teaching Writing with A.I.

Prompt: A Journal of Academic Writing Assignments

“[Prompt] publish[es] assignments directed at both undergraduate and graduate students from all academic disciplines.”

Writing Commons

Writing Commons is a free, peer-reviewed, Open Education Resource (OER) for college-level writers and college faculty.”

University Writing Requirement

The UWR and Disciplinary Writing

University Writing Requirement (UWR)

FAQ for UWR Instructors

WAC Clearinghouse

WAC Glossary of Terms

Teaching Writing in the Disciplines

Integrating Writing and Speaking into Your Subject

Integrating Writing Into Your Classroom (Montclair State University)

Novice vs. Expert Composing Behaviors (Diane Boehm, Saginaw Valley State University)

Mind Maps: Pictures and Words in Space

Peer Review

Tip Sheets

Visual Notetaking in the Classroom (Wendy Pillars, Education Week: Teacher)

Writer’s Web: Writing in the Disciplines (University of Virginia)

Writing at the Threshold (Larry Weinstein)

This is a supplement to the book Writing at the Threshold: Featuring 56 Ways to Prepare High School and College Students to Think and Write at the College Level, which is available through Summit. Examples in this supplement are illustrated with literary texts, but strategies can be adapted for other disciplines.

Working with ESL Writers Across the Curriculum (Susan Whitelock)

Writing to Learn

Roots in the Sawdust: Writing to Learn Across the Disciplines

“Although writing to learn, like writing across the curriculum, emphasizes
writing in all disciplines, its goal is different. Writing across the
curriculum aims to improve the quality of writing, while writing to
learn focuses on better thinking and learning” (Gere 5).

On Grammar and Punctuation

The Ten Basic Comma Rules

How to Use a Semicolon: The Most Feared Punctuation on Earth

North American English Dialects, Based on Pronunciation Patterns


Defining and Avoiding Plagiarism: The WPA Statement on Best Practices” (Council of Writing Program Administrators)

EOU Student Code of Conduct

EOU Student Pledge of Academic Integrity

WSU Plagiarism Information Site: Students may be particularly interested in the pages titled “What is it?” and “How to Avoid It.”

Online and Hybrid Courses

Teaching with Blogs

Online Writing Teacher

This blog focuses on teaching online and hybrid composition courses, but the ideas presented could be adapted for writing in other disciplines

Assessing Writing

A variety of professional and institutional resources on writing outcomes and assessment are listed here.