All Day Field Trip: Representing Place, Culture, and Identity at the Pendleton Round Up

Find big yellow school bus in parking lot outside of Hoke

Plan to be on the big yellow school bus no later than 9:00 this morning to head out to the Pendleton Round Up. Bring water and wear shoes you'll be comfortable walking in throughout the day (possibly up to three or four miles, depending on how far into downtown you want to walk from the […]


Hoke Dining Hall (2nd floor) Hoke Student Union Building, La Grande, OR, United States

Possible Optional Evening Activity . . .

. . . depending on how much energy folks have after a day at the rodeo. Check in with mentors at dinner if you have an idea for a group activity. Otherwise, nothing scheduled tonight.


Hoke Dining Hall (2nd floor) Hoke Student Union Building, La Grande, OR, United States

Humanities 111

Ackerman 103 Ackerman Hall, La Grande, United States

Math Workshop

Zabel Hall 110 Eastern Oregon University, La Grande, OR, United States


Hoke Dining Hall (2nd floor) Hoke Student Union Building, La Grande, OR, United States

Creative Writing Workshop

Zabel Hall 107 Eastern Oregon University, La Grande, OR, United States

Humanities 111

Ackerman 103 Ackerman Hall, La Grande, United States

Studio Time

Time for tutoring appointments, homework, and/or break.


Hoke Dining Hall (2nd floor) Hoke Student Union Building, La Grande, OR, United States

Slightly shorter dinner window this evening so we can be downtown at The Local by 7:00. Please let Cori know at dinner if you will need a ride downtown.

Field Trip: Community Storytelling Event on the Theme of “Migrations”

The Local The Local, Adams Avenue, La Grande, OR, United States

We'll head downtown to The Local for our final evening together in Summer Bridge. Students, alumni, family, and other community members are invited to share stories about"Migration" at the open mic: stories about moving to a new place, leaving an old one, or otherwise transitioning from one space, role, perspective, or community to another. Please […]