All Day Field Trip: Representing Place, Culture, and Identity at the Pendleton Round Up

Find big yellow school bus in parking lot outside of Hoke

Plan to be on the big yellow school bus no later than 9:00 this morning to head out to the Pendleton Round Up. Bring water and wear shoes you'll be comfortable walking in throughout the day (possibly up to three or four miles, depending on how far into downtown you want to walk from the […]

All Day Field Trip: Preserving Place, Culture, and Identity in Wallowa County

Find big yellow school bus in parking lot outside of Hoke

Today's trip takes us first to the historic Maxville town site, where we will be doing archeaological fieldwork with EOU Anthropology professor Rory Becker and Maxville Heritage Founder and Director Gwendolyn Trice. From there we drive to the town of Wallowa to visit the Nez Perce Wallowa Homeland Project, with presentations by NPWHP staff Josh […]